Climate-friendly construction and renovation: How photovoltaics contribute to energy efficiency

Prior PV
2024-09-30 11:03:00

In times of climate change and rising energy costs, energy-efficient construction and renovation are becoming increasingly important. More and more builders and homeowners are placing value on sustainable and environmentally friendly construction concepts that not only reduce energy consumption but also minimize CO₂ emissions. Photovoltaics play a central role in this context. It makes it possible to convert solar energy into electricity and thus cover the energy needs of buildings in an environmentally friendly way. In this guide, you will learn how photovoltaic systems contribute to energy efficiency and what advantages they offer for climate-friendly construction and renovation.

1. Photovoltaics as a key technology for climate-friendly construction

The integration of photovoltaic systems in new buildings and existing buildings offers a number of advantages. By using solar energy, you can significantly reduce your own consumption of fossil fuels and at the same time contribute to reducing CO₂ emissions. In Germany, new buildings are often planned as KfW efficiency houses, which must meet strict energy efficiency requirements. A photovoltaic system can meet and even exceed these requirements by improving the building's energy balance.

Thanks to technological advances, modern photovoltaic modules are more efficient and durable than ever before. They can be installed on roofs, facades or even as integrated building elements (Building Integrated Photovoltaics, BIPV). The energy consumption of a building can be significantly reduced, especially in combination with energy-saving household appliances and effective insulation.

2. Self-consumption and savings

A key advantage of photovoltaics is the ability to use the solar power generated directly on site. This not only reduces the need for expensive electricity from the public grid, but also increases independence from energy suppliers. Through so-called self-consumption, the electricity produced during the day can be used for household appliances, lighting or heating, for example.

In order to further optimize self-consumption, the use of power storage systems is useful. These make it possible to store excess solar power and use it at a later time, such as in the evening or at night. This means that the proportion of self-consumption can be increased to up to 70%. At the same time, it remains possible to feed excess power into the public grid and receive a feed-in tariff.

3. Photovoltaics as part of a holistic energy concept

In order to comprehensively improve the energy efficiency of a building, photovoltaic systems should be integrated into a holistic energy concept. This includes combining them with other technologies such as heat pumps, which can be used for heating and hot water. In conjunction with solar power, heat pumps can be operated particularly efficiently because they convert electricity into usable heat and thus replace fossil fuels.

Another element for optimizing energy efficiency is the integration of smart energy management systems. These systems monitor the energy consumption of the house and automatically control when which electricity is used. For example, power-intensive devices such as washing machines or dishwashers can be operated when the photovoltaic system is producing a particularly large amount of energy.

4. Funding and tax advantages

The use of photovoltaic systems in the construction or renovation of buildings is supported in Germany by various funding programs. The KfW Bank offers low-interest loans and grants for energy-efficient construction and renovation, especially for projects that involve the use of renewable energies. The Federal Office of Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) also promotes the installation of electricity storage systems and other technologies to increase energy efficiency.

In addition, photovoltaic systems benefit from tax advantages. In many cases, self-generated solar power for personal use is exempt from the EEG levy, and tax deductions can also be used for feed-in tariffs.

5. Future-proof investment

In addition to the immediate financial benefits and savings that a photovoltaic system offers, it is also a future-proof investment. As electricity prices are expected to continue to rise in the coming years, the economic benefit of a solar system is constantly increasing. In addition, by using solar power, you are actively contributing to the energy transition and supporting the switch to renewable energies.

Photovoltaic systems are an essential component, particularly in the context of global climate goals and efforts to reduce CO₂ emissions. An energy-efficient building that is largely independent of fossil fuels not only has a higher value on the real estate market, but also makes a valuable contribution to environmental protection.


Photovoltaic systems play a central role in climate-friendly construction and renovation. They improve the energy balance of buildings, reduce CO₂ emissions and offer long-term savings in energy costs. In combination with other sustainable technologies such as heat pumps and energy storage systems, a photovoltaic system can help to make a building almost energy self-sufficient. The use of government funding programs and tax advantages makes investing in a photovoltaic system even more attractive. For builders and homeowners who want to build or renovate in a future-proof and environmentally conscious way, the integration of a photovoltaic system is therefore an excellent choice.