Photovoltaics for companies: How can companies benefit from solar energy?

Prior PV
2024-09-23 14:44:00

The use of photovoltaic systems to generate electricity is no longer just an issue for private individuals. More and more companies are relying on solar energy to reduce their electricity costs, protect the environment and secure their energy supply in the long term. In this guide, we explain how companies can benefit from using photovoltaic systems and which aspects need to be taken into account.

1. Cost savings through self-consumption

The biggest advantage for companies that use photovoltaic systems is the reduction in energy costs. Electricity from the grid is constantly becoming more expensive, while the costs of solar energy remain largely constant. Companies that cover a large part of their electricity needs themselves are less dependent on rising electricity prices and can thus save considerable costs.

Companies that have a high demand for electricity during the day, such as production facilities, logistics companies or office complexes, benefit particularly strongly from photovoltaics. Since most solar power is produced during the day, these companies can use the electricity generated directly without having to store it first. This increases the proportion of self-consumption and makes the photovoltaic system even more economical.

2. Reduction of operating costs and tax advantages

By using solar power, companies can reduce their operating costs in the long term. Photovoltaic systems have a lifespan of around 25 to 30 years and require little maintenance after installation. After the payback period - often after just 8 to 12 years - the system operates almost free of charge and continues to produce electricity.

In addition, companies can take advantage of tax advantages. Investments in photovoltaic systems are usually depreciable. This means that companies can reduce their tax burden while at the same time building a sustainable and economically viable infrastructure.

3. Sustainability and image maintenance

Another important aspect for companies is improving their environmental image. In times of growing importance of environmental and climate protection, companies that rely on renewable energies can strengthen their image as environmentally conscious and responsible players. This can have a positive effect on customers, business partners and investors who are increasingly placing value on sustainability and social responsibility.

Photovoltaic systems offer companies the opportunity to reduce CO₂ emissions and make an active contribution to the energy transition. The use of solar energy demonstrates a long-term commitment to environmental protection and can help position the company as a pioneer in sustainability.

4. Protection against rising energy costs

Energy prices have risen steadily in recent years and this trend is expected to continue. Companies that rely on photovoltaics protect themselves against this uncertainty. By generating their own electricity, they are less dependent on price fluctuations on the energy market.

The possibility of feeding surplus electricity into the grid also offers financial advantages. Although the feed-in tariff is continuously falling in many countries, the sale of electricity not used by the company itself can still represent an additional source of income. Energy management systems or storage solutions enable companies to increase their own consumption even further and reduce their dependence on the grid to a minimum.

5. Funding programs and financing options

Companies can benefit from various government funding programs and financing options. In Germany, for example, there are attractive grants from the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), which offers low-interest loans for the construction of photovoltaic systems. There are also regional funding programs that make it easier for companies to switch to renewable energies.

In addition to direct grants or low-interest loans, there are also models such as contracting, where companies do not have to finance the photovoltaic system themselves, but have it installed by a service provider. The company then pays a monthly fee for the use of the solar power, which means that no high initial investment is required.

6. Flexibilität und Skalierbarkeit

Photovoltaikanlagen bieten Unternehmen auch eine hohe Flexibilität, da sie an den spezifischen Energiebedarf angepasst werden können. Ob auf dem Dach eines Bürogebäudes, in einer Produktionshalle oder auf Freiflächen – die Installationsmöglichkeiten sind vielfältig. Sollte der Energiebedarf in Zukunft steigen, kann die Anlage in den meisten Fällen problemlos erweitert werden.

Auch Hybridlösungen sind möglich, bei denen Photovoltaik mit anderen erneuerbaren Energien oder Speichersystemen kombiniert wird. Auf diese Weise können Unternehmen eine umfassendere und noch stabilere Energieversorgung aufbauen.

7. Langfristige Wertsteigerung der Immobilie

Die Installation einer Photovoltaikanlage kann auch zur Wertsteigerung der Unternehmensimmobilie beitragen. Eine Immobilie, die über eine eigene Stromerzeugungsanlage verfügt, ist für potenzielle Käufer oder Mieter oft attraktiver, da sie langfristig niedrigere Betriebskosten verspricht. Dies kann gerade bei gewerblichen Immobilien ein entscheidender Faktor sein, um deren Marktwert zu steigern.


Photovoltaik bietet Unternehmen zahlreiche Vorteile – von der Senkung der Energiekosten über die Verbesserung des Umweltimages bis hin zur Unabhängigkeit von steigenden Strompreisen. Dank staatlicher Förderungen und Steuervergünstigungen ist die Investition in eine Photovoltaikanlage auch finanziell attraktiv. Unternehmen, die frühzeitig auf Solarenergie setzen, profitieren nicht nur wirtschaftlich, sondern positionieren sich zudem als umweltbewusste und zukunftsorientierte Marktakteure. In einer Zeit, in der Nachhaltigkeit eine immer größere Rolle spielt, kann der Einsatz von Photovoltaik ein entscheidender Wettbewerbsvorteil sein.